Saturday, November 11, 2006

Ginge Pube Lives!

Welcome to the official Ginge Pube Blog.

Be sure to keep up to date with all the happenings, interviews and performances from Cape Town's Newest Celebrity!

Entertainment, enlightenment and intrigue are sure to follow right here so if you love Ginge, parties, or just a good laugh we look forward to your company!

If you have any questions for Ginge himself, are looking for Ginge merchandise, or just want to get in touch go right ahead!

Email us now at


Party boy said...

Hey Robbie sweet to see that infamous photo on the net! I cant believe you are gracing people with your presence on the web. Sweet will be back to check it out when there are some posts up.

Unknown said...

Cool... you should run for President of a small African country (or a larger one - aim high!!!)